Monday, January 26, 2015


Playing The Sims 2, sometimes you might just want to get rid of some Sims and you kill them intentionally. However, in some cases, an unexpected fire or something like that might kill your Sims when you least expect it. In The Sims 2, all dead Sims who still have tombstones or urns can be resurrected. If the tombstone or urn has been deleted, you can't resurrect this Sim. However, there is one exception to that. Some some pre-made dead Sims, meaning the Sims that were already dead when the game started, can be resurrected even if they no longer have tombstones or urns.

One way to resurrect a Sim is to use Resurrect-O-Nomitron. Resurrect-O-Nomitron is simply a resurrection machine you can get as a career reward for reaching the Medium career in paranormal career track in The Sims 2 University Expansion Pack. In order to get a job in the paranormal career track, your Sim needs to be a university graduate and has to know the dead Sim. Have your Sim get a job in the paranormal career track and get him/her promoted to the Medium career. When your Sim is a Medium, he/she will have a Resurrect-O-Nomitron in his/her career rewards. Place this in the world, click on it and select “Call Grim Reaper”. Grim Reaper will give you a list of dead Sims that your Sim knows. Choose the Sim you want to resurrect. Now the Grim Reaper will ask you to donate money. This part is very important because the more money you donate, the more complete the resurrection will be. In other words, if you donate between §8513–§10,000, you will have a perfectly resurrected Sim. The Sim will be exactly as when he/she died and will be in a good mood. Between §4128–§8512, you will get a problematically resurrected Sim. He/she will have a reversed personality, will lose some skill points and relationships and will have a different job. Between §988–§4127 the Sim will come alive as a zombie. He/she will walk with a limp, will lose most of his/her skill points and will have a different personality. Below §987, Grim Reaper will take the money and give you nothing. The exception is, for children and pets, the resurrection is always perfect no matter how much you paid.

In The Sims 2 Freetime Expansion Pack, there is another way to resurrect your dead Sims. When one or more Sims in a household have high enthusiasm in a hobby and high Lifetime Aspiration, the Gypsy Matchmaker will come to the house and drop a Dusty Old Lamp next to the front door. Sims in the household can rub the lamp and get a genie. The genie grants three wishes in total per lamp, not per Sim. Resurrecting a Sim is one of the wishes available and the resurrection from a genie will always be perfect and free of charge.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Alien Abduction
You might have already seen some alien Sims living in Strangetown, and you might be asking yourself how that could even happen. If you are new to the game, you probably do not know that your Sims can get abducted by aliens. By getting your Sims abducted, you might have a new experience in the game, and your Sims can have alien babies. Also, your Sims might just want to get abducted. But why would a Sim want to get abducted by aliens? Sometimes, Sims with knowledge aspiration might want to meet aliens. Also, in the University expansion pack, some teenager Sims might want to get a scholarship called Extraterrestrial Reparation Grant.

To make a Sim get abducted, first of all you need buy a Farstar e3 telescope. Unfortunately, the cheaper telescope will not help your Sims get abducted. If you want to meet the aliens, you have to be willing to pay the price. Place your telescope outdoors, and wait for it to get dark. You can also use the telescope during the day with the “Look through” command, but this will only help your Sims build logic skills and since they are basically spying on their neighbors, you might find angry Sims at your door.

When it gets dark, click on the telescope and select “Stargaze”. Your Sims can only stargaze when it is dark and they will automatically stop doing so when the sun rises. Remember that the longer they stargaze, the higher the chances of abduction. So start stargazing as early as possible. The most important thing here is to make them stargaze as long as possible without interruption, because with every hour of continuous stargazing, the chances for abduction are getting higher. For this reason, you have to make sure your Sims are in a good mood before they start stargazing, otherwise they will stop because they are hungry or sleepy. Abducted Sims will return home before the morning.

Some of you might be asking what abduction has to do with the alien Sims residing in Strangetown. When an adult male Sim gets abducted by aliens, he returns home pregnant with an alien baby. Three days later he will give birth to an alien baby, but as I mentioned in my previous post about genetics, there is a slight chance that the baby won’t present any alien characteristics. In the family tree, the other parent of the baby will be shown as Pollination Tech with a number at the end. Basically the alien family you see in Strangetown called “The Smith Family” has a “retired” Pollination Tech as the father of the family. For this reason, one of the children of the family shows alien characteristics. There is no way a player can retire a Pollination Tech without cheat codes. (I am going to give explanations about the cheat codes later.) So the only retired Pollination Tech we can ever see is this guy in The Smith Family.

If you want your Sims to get abducted, you have to be very patient. You will probably have to try for a long time. If you don’t have the patience, you can cheat. In the neighborhood mode press Ctrl+Shift+C and type boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true in the text box. Then select the Sim to be abducted and Shift+click the Farstar e3 telescope. You will see the command “Force Abduction”. Your Sim will be abducted immediately after they start stargazing.

Friday, January 9, 2015


As you all know and appreciate, one of the major differences between The Sims and The Sims 2 is the genetic traits that can be passed to the children such as hair colour, eye colour, skin tone and personality. 

When you are creating a family in the game, you can create a male and female adult couple and then you can click on the little soother icon to create a baby, child, teenager or another adult that carries a mixture of those two original adult Sims. If you don’t like the first mix, you can always try again. However, when you are playing the game and a couple of Sims have a baby together, you have no control over the genes of the baby. The newborn baby will have a mix of the parents’ traits, but, as in real life, there are some dominant and recessive genes.

Every Sim has two genes for eye color, hair color and skin color. One of them is dominant and the other one is recessive. The game pre-determines what genes are dominant or recessive. For hair, black hair is dominant over all other hair colors. Brown hair is dominant over blonde and red hair. Blonde and red hair have the same level of dominance so the hair color of the baby of a blonde Sim and a red-haired Sim will be determined randomly. In eyes, brown, dark blue and alien eyes are dominant over green, light blue and green eyes. In skin tone, there is a slight difference though. If a Sim with dark skin has a baby with a light-skinned Sim, the baby can have dark, medium, tan or light skin because the game does not consider any of the skin tones as dominant. Instead the game tries to mix the skin tones of the parent Sims. With the alien skin however, there is a slight difference. It is mostly dominant to other skin tones, but, if the baby has one alien and one human parent, it can present normal skin tone and can carry the alien skin tone to the next generations as a recessive gene.

The genetics also apply in personalities of the Sims. When you create a Sim, he or she will have 25 personality points, whereas a born Sim has 35 personality points. When a Sim is born, these points are distributed mainly according to one of the parents’ traits but in some cases they can be distributed randomly.

Facial features are also included in the genes of Sims. For example, the size of nose, eyes or cheeks of parent Sims can affect the facial features of the baby. However, facial features do not work like skin tones. If a parent has big cheeks and the other has skinny cheeks, the baby has either big or skinny cheeks, it won’t have medium size cheeks.

There is one thing players should be careful with: some townie or NPC Sims might have different traits than their visible ones. For example, a blonde policewoman may not actually have blonde genes. You can usually spot this bug when you try to change their appearances and notice that the eyebrow color is actually different than their hair color.