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Playing The Sims 2, sometimes you might just want to get rid of some Sims and you kill them intentionally. However, in some cases, an unexpected fire or something like that might kill your Sims when you least expect it. In The Sims 2, all dead Sims who still have tombstones or urns can be resurrected. If the tombstone or urn has been deleted, you can't resurrect this Sim. However, there is one exception to that. Some some pre-made dead Sims, meaning the Sims that were already dead when the game started, can be resurrected even if they no longer have tombstones or urns.
http://raemia.livejournal.com |
One way to resurrect a Sim is to use Resurrect-O-Nomitron. Resurrect-O-Nomitron is simply a resurrection machine you can get as a career reward for reaching the Medium career in paranormal career track in The Sims 2 University Expansion Pack. In order to get a job in the paranormal career track, your Sim needs to be a university graduate and has to know the dead Sim. Have your Sim get a job in the paranormal career track and get him/her promoted to the Medium career. When your Sim is a Medium, he/she will have a Resurrect-O-Nomitron in his/her career rewards. Place this in the world, click on it and select “Call Grim Reaper”. Grim Reaper will give you a list of dead Sims that your Sim knows. Choose the Sim you want to resurrect. Now the Grim Reaper will ask you to donate money. This part is very important because the more money you donate, the more complete the resurrection will be. In other words, if you donate between §8513–§10,000, you will have a perfectly resurrected Sim. The Sim will be exactly as when he/she died and will be in a good mood. Between §4128–§8512, you will get a problematically resurrected Sim. He/she will have a reversed personality, will lose some skill points and relationships and will have a different job. Between §988–§4127 the Sim will come alive as a zombie. He/she will walk with a limp, will lose most of his/her skill points and will have a different personality. Below §987, Grim Reaper will take the money and give you nothing. The exception is, for children and pets, the resurrection is always perfect no matter how much you paid.
In The Sims 2 Freetime Expansion Pack, there is another way to resurrect your dead Sims. When one or more Sims in a household have high enthusiasm in a hobby and high Lifetime Aspiration, the Gypsy Matchmaker will come to the house and drop a Dusty Old Lamp next to the front door. Sims in the household can rub the lamp and get a genie. The genie grants three wishes in total per lamp, not per Sim. Resurrecting a Sim is one of the wishes available and the resurrection from a genie will always be perfect and free of charge.
http://i.ytimg.com/vi/4tEXyFa9P5M/hqdefault.jpg |
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