Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Vampirism is introduced in The Sims 2 Nightlife expansion pack. With this expansion pack, you will have a new neighborhood called “Downtown”, where you can find many community lots such as bars and night clubs.

When you take your Sim to a night club at night, there is a great chance of finding a “Grand Vampire” there. Grand vampires are non-playable premade vampire Sims lurking in downtown lots. Their names usually start with Count or Countess based on their gender. They are easy to notice with their blueish pale skin colour and their medieval outfits. When your Sim interacts with a grand vampire and becomes friends with him/her, the grand vampire will bite your Sim and then will start biting all the other Sims on the lot. The only way to stop this is to leave the lot after your Sim gets bitten.
There is no chance of dying after being bitten. Bites only cause Sims to turn into vampires. When Sims become vampires, they will have sharp fangs, red eyes and the same skin colour as the grand vampires. Their everyday outfit will change to medieval style. Newly-bitten vampire Sims can bite other Sims and turn them into vampires as well. However, biting interaction requires a good relationship between Sims.

Why would your Sim want to become a vampire?
  • ·        Vampire Sims can turn into bats and fly around.
  • ·       They can use the interaction called Bleh! to lower the bladder need of other Sims.
  • ·       Teenage vampires can get the undead scholarship to use towards college.
  • ·       The needs of vampire Sims don’t drop during night time.
  • ·       Vampire Sims are immortal and they never grow old. Only teen vampires become young adults and then adults, but after that they stop getting older. Vampire Sims can only die with exposure to sunlight.

Some other features of vampires:

·       Vampire Sims don’t have reflections in the mirror. When they use a mirror, their comfort needs drop.

·       Sometimes, when a Vampire Sim is doing nothing, he/she can bite a Sim in the family or a Sim that he/she has a good relationship with.

·       Vampirism is not genetic. Vampire Sims can reproduce and they have normal babies.

·       Other Sims can call vampires on the phone after 2 am, but they cannot be called between 7 am and 6 pm because it is their sleeping time.

To cure vampirism, your Sim needs to call the Gypsy Matchmaker on the phone and buy and drink Vamprocilin-D potion. This potion can also be made by witches (I will talk about them later). After Sims are cured, they can go on living as normal Sims, but they will no longer have the advantages of vampirism.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Death (continued)

In my previous post, I told you several ways of killing your Sims. There is more! Let’s see how else you can kill your Sims.

7. Get them struck by lightning
With the Seasons expansion pack, your Sims can get struck by lightning. However, just like shocking, they can survive the lightning struck if their needs are full. For a lightning strike, all you need is to get your Sim outside when it is raining. You can increase the chance of getting struck by placing the Sim in a body of water. It can be a puddle of water, a hot tub or a swimming pool.

8. Get them hit by heavy hail
Hail is another way of using the bad weather to kill your Sims, again Seasons expansion pack is required. When a Sim is exposed to heavy hailing outside and their needs are low, they can die.

9. Get them crushed by a satellite
Click on the lawn outside, choose Watch Clouds or Stargaze. If you wait long enough, a satellite will fall down from the sky and crush your Sim. However, you should keep in mind that chances of a satellite falling is the same as alien abduction. So you really need to be patient.

10. Get them eaten by bugs
Put your Sim in a room filled with rotting food and dirty dishes. The flies gathering on these objects will finally swarm and eat your Sim.

11. Let them die of an illness
When your Sim is sick, if you don’t care for them and let them relax, after a certain amount of time the sickness will kill him/her. Sims cannot die of a cold, but if you don’t do anything about it, it can turn into pneumonia and kill them.

12. Expose vampire Sims to sunlight
I am going to tell you how to create vampire Sims and how to care for them in another post, but you should know now that you can kill them by taking them outside during the day. Their needs will drop rapidly and they will die.

13. Get them eaten by Laganaphyllis Simnovorii (the Cowplant)
This one requires University expansion pack.
·       Get your Sim graduated from university.
·       Get a job in the Botanist career.
·       Level up in your job and unlock Laganaphyllis Simnovorii in career rewards.
·       Place it on your lot.
·       Don’t feed it.
·       When it gets hungry, he will lure Sims with a piece of cake.
·       Let the Sim you want to kill grab the cake.
·       The cowplant will eat him/her.

14. Smash them in the elevator

This one requires an elevator available in Apartment Life expansion pack. When your Sim rides a broken elevator when their needs are low, they will get dizzy when they get off and they will die.

Monday, February 2, 2015


In my previous post, I told you how you can resurrect dead Sims. This week, I am going to tell you several ways to kill your Sims. Sometimes your neighborhood or a lot might get crowded, and you might want to get rid of some Sims. Or you might just want to experience new things in your game. Let’s see how you can kill your Sims.

1. Drown them
There is no doubt that the most popular way of killing Sims since the first game is drowning.
  • ·  Build a pool
  • ·  Buy a jumping board
  • ·  Make the unwanted Sim jump in the pool
  • ·  Wait for them to starve

When the Sim is dead, a tombstone will appear next to the pool. If you have Seasons expansion pack, you don’t even need a jumping board. In this expansion pack Sims can jump into the pool without using it.

2. Starve them
Not the easiest and quickest way to kill your Sims, but effective.
  • ·  Remove fridges and phones in the house
  • ·  Get your Sim to quit his/her job

Without fridges, Sims cannot eat at home. However, they can always order food using the phone and they can eat while they are at work. If you eliminate these options, your Sim will suffer for a long time and will cry, and then eventually will die.

3. Burn them
Fires in The Sims 2 usually start in three ways.
  • · Make a Sim with low cooking skill cook using a cheap stove.
  • ·  Place objects close to the fireplace and light a fire.

·       With Seasons expansion pack, having trees in the garden attracts lightening and the trees start burning. However, in this case, usually the rain puts the fire out shortly after.
Don’t forget that in any case you shouldn’t have a fire alarm next to the flammable objects. Fire alarms cause fire fighters to come automatically.

4. Shock them
Simply make a Sim with low mechanical skills repair an electronic object. Remember, they can survive the shock if their needs are full. Making your Sim hungry before repairing will increase the chance of death.

5. Scare them
When there is a tombstone in the lot, occasionally ghosts will haunt the house. Ghosts enjoy scaring Sims. Every time a Sim gets scared, his/her needs will drop. If the Sim is scared by a ghost when hungry, he/she will die immediately. If the hunger need is full, the Sim can die after several scares. Also having more than one tombstones will increase the chances of having ghosts and will also increase the number of ghosts.

6. Trap them

Another popular way of killing your Sims.
  • ·  Build a small room with one door.
  • ·  Make your Sim go inside.
  • ·  Go to build mode and sell the door.

Now your Sim is trapped between the walls and he/she will starve to death. This way is similar to drowning your Sims and will take the same amount of time. However, your Sim might fall asleep between the walls (unlike swimming) and you will have to wake the Sim up.

To be continued with more ways of killing next week…